Terms and Conditions

    The Terms and Conditions of Coinection are stated below.

    1. Definitions

    The Terms and Conditions use various terms, the meaning of which is included in the context of Coinection in the table below.

    AccountVisitor of the website Coinection.eu.
    UserVisitor of the website Coinection.eu.
    MemberUser of Coinection with an account.

    2. Applicability

    2.1. The Terms and Conditions apply to all accounts, agreements and actions between Coinection and the member and to any use of the website by the users.

    2.2. The Terms and Conditions and the frequently asked questions contain answers to frequently asked questions and specific rules for the use of the website. The conditions are binding and apply to the visit and use of the website by every user.

    2.3. In case of conflicts between the Terms and Conditions and other content on this website, the Terms and Conditions are leading.

    2.4. Coinection may unilaterally change the Terms and Conditions. Users of this website are advised to regularly check the Terms and Conditions on this website for changes. If the user continues to use Coinection after changes to the general Terms and Conditions, he is deemed to accept the changed general Terms and Conditions.

    3. Account

    3.1. A Coinection user can create an account by filling out and submitting the online registration form.

    3.2. The account is established after the user has activated the account via the activation link sent by e-mail.

    3.3. Coinection reserves the right to cancel an account after activation, for example if there is a sanction.

    3.4. An account is strictly personal and the login details may therefore not be made available to third parties. The member is responsible for all use of the account, even if it is done without his knowledge.

    3.5. The Member is responsible to notify Coinection of any suspicion that his credentials are known to a third party or any suspicion of the use of the account by a third party.

    3.6. A user is not allowed to create or manage more than one account. Furthermore, it is not allowed to create a new account after Coinection has closed a user's account following a sanction.

    4. Usage guidelines

    4.1. The user must use the website in a lawful manner and will behave as expected by Coinection from a user.

    4.2. The user will:

    4.2.1. adhere to the regulations and guidelines contained in these conditions;

    4.2.2. not carry out actions or post content that is in violation of laws or regulations, morality or public order;

    4.2.3. observe all regulations shown on the website, including instructions from moderators;

    4.2.4. not infringe any intellectual property rights of Coinection or third parties;

    4.2.5. not perform actions or post content that causes inconvenience to other users of the website;

    4.2.6. not send unwanted messages to other Coinection users via the website or other communication channels;

    4.2.7. not modify, delete or disable content from Coinection or other users;

    4.2.8. not spread malware;

    4.2.9. not use robots, spiders or other applications to search the website or other means for searching the website;

    4.2.10. not circumvent Coinection’s security;

    4.3. The user is responsible for the content of all content distributed through his account on the website. Coinection advises against sharing personal information through the website.

    4.4. If Coinection determines that certain member content does not comply with the Terms and Conditions, Coinection may change or remove the content or design of this content at its sole discretion. Coinection may also change the content or design of the content to ensure the readability or quality of the website.

    4.5. The member may not post content on the website:

    4.5.1. which is of an intimidating, discriminatory, abusive or pornographic nature or which may otherwise be considered controversial;

    4.5.2. in which chain letters are promoted;

    4.5.3. for advertising purposes;

    4.5.4. that violates the privacy of other members or visitors to the website;

    4.5.5. which contains a photo of another person without permission;

    4.5.6. in which illegal software is offered;

    4.5.7. offering Euro coins obtained illegally;

    4.6. If a member is aware of another member or visitor who violates the Terms and Conditions, he can notify Coinection.

    5. Penalties

    5.1. Coinection can impose a sanction on the member if they act contrary to the Terms and Conditions.

    5.2. If a member violates Article 4 of the Terms and Conditions, Coinection is entitled to immediately:

    a. change or remove content posted by the member;

    b. to close the member’s account.

    5.3. Coinection is not obliged to reimburse the member’s costs or damage as a result of the imposition of a penalty.

    6. Coinection Rights and Obligations

    6.1. Coinection will endeavor to make the website available to users. Coinection does not guarantee that the website will always be available.

    6.2. Coinection reserves the right to:

    a. to put the website out of use without notice for the purpose of maintenance, adjustment or improvement thereof;

    b. change, expand or remove parts of the website without notice.

    6.3. Coinection does not guarantee that there are no errors in the website. Coinection also does not guarantee that the website is current or free from malware.

    6.4. Links on the website may lead to external websites managed by third parties. Coinection is not responsible for the content and functioning of the external websites. Also, Coinection is not responsible for the content of third party websites.

    7. License and intellectual property

    7.1. The member retains the copyrights and other intellectual property rights on the content placed by him.

    7.2. The member may consult the content included on the website and make copies for his own use by printing or saving it. Use of content by copying, distributing or otherwise disclosing any content from the website is prohibited without express written permission from Coinection.

    7.3. By posting content on the website:

    7.3.1. grants the member permission to Coinection to publish and commercially exploit this content for no fee through the website or other media;

    7.3.2. grants the member permission to other members and visitors to the website to consult this content and make copies for his own use;

    7.3.3. authorizes Coinection to disclose his portrait to the extent that it appears in the content provided by the member;

    7.4. The member guarantees that he is authorized to grant previous consents and that he has possibly obtained the necessary consents from third parties for the publication of this information.

    8. Free Trail

    We offer a 14-day free trial to new users who register with the Coinection. The account will be charged according to the user's chosen subscription at the end of the free trial.

    9. Cancellation

    All purchases are non-refundable. You can cancel your subscription at any time by logging into your account. Your cancellation will take effect at the end of the current paid term.

    If you are unsatisfied with Coinection, please email us at [email protected].

    10. Privacy

    8.1. Coinection processes personal data of the member for the provision of services to the member and the maintenance of the website. Coinection has further elaborated the privacy policy for this in its privacy policy document. By registering, the member gives permission for the processing of his personal data as described in the privacy policy.

    8.2. The member may not process or use personal data of other members. In particular, it is not allowed to use the personal data of third parties to transfer unsolicited communications.

    11. Closing account

    9.1. The member can have his account canceled if he no longer wishes to use the account. For this, the member must notify Coinection by e-mail that he no longer wishes to use the account, stating his username.

    9.2. When closing the account, all data related to the account will also be deleted.

    9.3. Coinection has the right to delete the member’s account if the member has not used his login credentials for 24 months.

    The Terms and Conditions were last modified on September 16th, 2024.